Tuesday 25 April 2017

Jambu Madu: What I didn't know

Our beautiful Malaysian weather enables us to grow and produce lots of fruits and vegetables. Another of the fruits that is rich with benefits is the Jambu Madu.  I always felt that there was more to jambu madu (scientific name:  Syzygium samarangense) or the English name : Rose Apple, which is indigenous to the Malay Peninsula so I decided to research this fruit.  Lo and behold, it has many benefits.  At the farm, we have 2 trees which produces fruit in abundance about 3 times a year.  Hence I also wanted to know what to do with them and also how to get the most out of it.  Being a fruit with high water content, growing it organically is important to ensure it is not contaminated internally.

I most often consumed it raw, sometimes with a dip, and especially on hot days as I find that it has a cooling effect for me.  It has a water content ratio similar to the watermelon.
Based on various research studies, this fruit is found to have several benefits such as :

  1. the ability to detoxify the liver
  2. lower cholesterol
  3. protect against diabetes
  4. improve immune system
  5. prevent certain types of cancer ( early research indicates it helps prevents prostate and breast cancer)
  6. eliminate fungal and bacterial infections
  7. improves digestive system.
It is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.  I guess as more studies are done, there are bound to be more benefits.

The best time to pick them is when they have turned red and feels very firm.  At this point, the fruit is sweet and crispy such that when you bite into it, it is almost like biting into a juicy apple.  As with many tropical fruits, it doesn't have a long shelf life.  When purchasing them, check to see if they have been sprayed with preservatives.  An easy way is to ask when the fruit was delivered to the stand.  If it has been more than 2 days, chances are it has been sprayed with chemical preservatives and best to clean the fruit properly to remove the preservatives.

Having a high water content makes it a great option for people who juice, delivering lots of vitamin A and C.  Most often, it is consumed raw, with or without a dip.  With the short shelf life, I had to figure out what else I can do with them.  Apart from consuming them raw, I turned them into "ice cream", mixing it with Roselle or Bunga Telang for taste as well as adding other nutrients to a tasty, hot day, snack.

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