Monday 4 June 2012

Bananas - Pisang Udang

This variety of banana is not commonly found and it makes an interesting addition to my collection of banana plants at the farm.  Due to its sweet and sour taste, it is not popular as banana fritters however to "cucur kodok" afficionados, this is THE banana to use to make them.  It ripens to a bright yellow with brown "spots". 
The plant grows to about 6-8m and the leaves have a reddish tinge to the stem.  The inflorescence tastes bitter so I don't recommend it if you plan to have it as ulam.  As with many of the other species, the first plant takes about 12 months before harvest the offsprings take about 8 months after the initial plant was planted before it will be ready for harvesting.

The skin is smooth but not waxy and is not thick, similar to other banana varieties that are eaten raw like pisang lemak manis. The outer flesh is creamy white and the inner flesh is a pale yellow.   Each banana averages about 6-8cm long and is ovalish in shape. This banana can be eaten raw and is a refreshing change with its slightly sour taste along with the sweet.  Try making serawa pisang with sagoo, coconut milk and nipah brown sugar - delicious.
So, to all you banana recipes experimenters, try this banana in your next attempt - you may be surprised.

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