Tuesday 8 March 2011

Edible Landscape - Ulam Raja

A refreshing herb that is often consumed raw, Ulam Raja, as it is called in Malay,  (Botanical Name : Cosmos Caudatus) has small, pink colored petals with a yellow center.  This herb is another one of the leaves that I regard as a "Super Ulam".

Ulam Raja leaves
 It grows easily in direct sunlight to a height of approximately 1m.  With insufficient water, it wilts easily.  It propagates via seeds from the mature flowers.  It loves to be well-watered and soil with high organic content.  This is an annual although it can be prolonged longer than a year but the quality of the leaves will reduce.

Beautiful Cosmos flower
Since it wilts easily, it is best kept with its stems in water after harvesting to maintain its freshness and to preserve its taste.  The leaves are rich in Calcium and Vitamin A as well as antioxidants.  Traditionally, it has been used as a "blood cleanser" as well as for strengthening the bones.

It propagates from the seeds from mature flowers, which are light as feather, hence the wind blows them around.  Not controlled, it can become a pest in your garden.
The beautiful flowers that are produced along with its distinctly-shaped leaves make it a beautiful addition to your garden or landscape, adding color and beauty while providing you with great nutrition.

It is always eaten raw to preserve as much as its nutrition with a taste similar to English Parsley and is often added to nasi kerabu or to salads.  It also tastes great when eaten with sambal bellman.  Vegetable juicers often like to add this leave due to its nutrition value.

Updated: March 21, 2015

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